Issue 1 (58)

Year 2018 Number 1(58)
Pages 91-99 Type scientific article
UDC 94(571.51)”1920” BBK 63.3(253.5)61+63.521(=667)
Authors Stepanova Olga B.
Summary The study is focused on the period of the first revolutionary transformations in the life of the northern Selkups. The first actions of the Soviet power in relation to all the nomadic peoples of the Turukhansky region was the cancellation of taxes and their debts to the Russian merchants, as well as the provisioning campaign in support of the local population using the factories — the trading and procurement centers in the remote fishing and hunting areas — as the basis for this campaign. In later periods the factories were turned into the Soviet state-construction centers: they served as the venues for the congresses of clans and families, which elected the local government bodies — the nomadic Soviets and the indigenous clans executive committees which were also housed in the same facilities. From the mid 1920s the economy underwent dramatic changes, and the factories became the drivers of the economic reforms. The authorities organized the consumer cooperatives on their basis, and later the new forms of economic entities — the primary production companies and the collective farms. The first collective farms received state loans via the factories for obtaining the necessary production means (fishing nets, seines, traps, boats, barrels, etc.), the centers also offered coaching in the new methods of organizing the economy and organized socialist competition. At the same time, they maintained their primary trading and procurement function. The personnel of the factories of that time consisted of the salesmen-goods managers, political agitators, culture and education officers, game managers, livestock managers, fishing industry specialists, etc. The role of the factories declined with the appearance of the first settled communities in the area.
Keywords Selkup, history, ethnography, factories, revolution, transformations, cooperation, collective farms, Turukhansk region

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