Issue 1 (58)

Year 2018 Number 1(58)
Pages 118-126 Type scientific article
UDC 39(=945.32) BBK 63.521(=664)
Authors Vlasova Victoria V.
Summary The fights against religious remnants, atheistic propaganda have become an important component of the Soviet state ideology and, to a large extent, a stimulus for the development of the ethnographic researches in the field of religion. The main goals for the soviet ethnographers were to explain why religious remnants still preserved and promote to overcome them. These goals determined the choice of the research themes for the field work. In the 1960s in a line with these national trends the historical-ethnographic study of religion was established in the Institute of Language, Literature and History, Komi Science Centre. Descriptions of methods, research analysis and the comprehension of the field work, relationships ethnographer — informant et al. on pages of the scientific reports, allow to illuminate those aspects of the field studies of the folk religiosity during the Soviet period. In 1960–1970 during the fieldwork, along with interviews, participant observation, photographing ethnographers actively used sociological methods, in particular, house-to-house poll. Description and analysis of used methods (advantages and disadvantages of surveys, the art of conversation, etc.) regularly appeared on the pages of the scientific reports reveal the importance of these subjects for ethnographers. Soviet ideological and methodological orientations led to the lack of these materials and topics in the published papers.
Keywords Orthodox tradition, Komi Zyrians, fieldwork, Soviet ethnography

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