Issue 2 (59)

Year 2018 Number 2(59)
Pages 49-58 Type scientific article
UDC 930.2 BBK 63.0
Authors Vorobyeva Olga V.
Summary The article covers intermediary outcomes of the like-named project undertaken by the RAS Institute of World History. The author offers the understanding of civilization discourse as a means of organizing the academic thought and analysis of a specific human existence modus within the framework of the large, however still spatially and temporally limited, historical cohorts. The paper sums up the proceedings of three academic discussions focusing on the challenges of globalization, modernization and migration. The analysis revealed the contradictory interactions between the globalization processes and world history, the ultimate aggravation of the dialog thinking and the cultural synthesis problem as the mutual influence and interpenetration of the cultural spheres and the value systems resulting in the emergence of new socio-cultural phenomena. The author noted the effect of globalization on the modernization processes and their interpretation demonstrating at the same time their irregularity and a great variety of the existing models. The theory of modernization is understood as the extremely complex, unstable and controversial paradigm of change requiring further specification with regard to the specific historical conditions. The author refers to the new characteristics acquired by the migration processes at the turn of the 20th–21st centuries. The author draws a conclusion that the understanding of the modern civilizational challenges stemming from the numerous complex and multidirectional contemporary dynamics processes, globalization and the evolution of the postindustrial society requires operating with the qualitatively new perspective transgressing the limits of the nations, as well as the epistemological resources crossing the boundaries of the classical system analysis.
Keywords civilizational challenges, globalization, Westernization, cultural synthesis, dialogue of cultures, modernization, modernity, migration, civilization, civilizational discourse

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