Issue 2 (59)

Year 2018 Number 2(59)
Pages 59-67 Type scientific article
UDC 82:94(470.5) BBK 84-46+63.3(235.55)
Authors Abashev Vladimir V.
Summary The article examines the essay “Ural’sky Khrebet” [The Ural Ridge] by M. V. Malakhov that opens one of the nineteen volumes of the encyclopaedic publication “Zhivopisnaya Rossiya” [Picturesque Russia] (1881–1901). Being the largest in the history of the Russian publishing industry, this project is considered in the article in the context of the 19th century pan-European historical and cultural discourse as a manifestation of the principle of panoramic vision: the strive for encyclopedic cove rage and pictorial presentation of knowledge similar to a panorama. In this context “Zhivopisnaya Rossiya” is interpreted as an experience of creating a monumental geopanorama of the country. It is shown that Malakhov’s essay, having been the first to introduce the panorama of the Urals, conformed to the overall concept of the publication. The all-embracing panoramic vision of the narrator is explicated in the essay through the metaphor of a bird’s eye view. This effect is achieved by descriptions of the ascent to mountain peaks and views opening from these. Panorama as the principle of the narrative organization in Malakhov’s essay expressed the general tendency of the scientific geographical discourse of the time in which the ascent to the peaks and the visual coverage of the landscape panorama was a condition for the reliability of vision. Basing on the comparison of the essay with the materials of scientific expeditions to the Urals in the 1840–1870s, it is shown that in the body of his narrative M. V. Malakhov included extensive descriptive fragments of his predecessors, using them as part of the general, and therefore to some extent anonymous, Ural discourse. The author/narrator presents himself as the bearer of this general discourse of geographic and geological descriptions of the Urals, which guarantees the objectivity of his own geopanorama. The essay of M. V. Malakhov presented for the first time the geopolitical formula of the Urals, combining the basic categories of its description: the Urals as the boundary of the worlds, and as a special detached space, a world concentrated on itself.
Keywords M. V. Malakhov, M. O. Wolff, “Zhivopisnaya Rossiya”, panoramic vision, geographic discourse, Ural

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