Issue 2 (59)

Year 2018 Number 2(59)
Pages 115-123 Type scientific article
UDC 903.25(571.66)”632” BBK 63.442.12(2Ðîñ-4Êà÷
Authors Fedorchenko Alexander Yu.
Summary The paper presents the results of a comprehensive study of spatial organization, manufacturing techniques and functions of personal ornaments made from soft stone from cultural layers VI of Ushki sites (Central Kamchatka). Many years of Ushki-I–V sites excavations produced a representative stone ornaments assemblage consisting of 37 items of various types (26 pendants, 7 plaques and 4 long beads). Main elements of the ornaments manufacturing context were referred to the coaly areas within the dwellings and the fi re pits outside of the dwellings surrounded by work areas. The manufacturing technique involved selection and transportation of raw material to the camp sites, production of blanks by knapping soft stone pieces with the use of a stone hammer, making a preform by grinding, boring, and ornamentation of the items with notches or incisions, and leather polishing. Particularly informative were the stone personal ornaments found in cultural layer VI of the Ushki sites within the sacral context of two interments. The results of spatial, technological and use-wear analysis demonstrated a connection between these items and various functional and semantic systems. The specifics of location of the in-site decorations accumulations, as well as the use-wear traces morphology gave reasons to believe that the majority of beads, pendants and plaques were used as everyday items — personal wearable decorations and elements of clothes ornamentation.
Keywords Stone age, Upper Paleolithic, Kamchatka, ornaments, art, experimental use-wear analysis, technological analysis, burials

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