Issue 3 (60)

Year 2018 Number 3(60)
Pages 6-15 Type scientific article
UDC 39:930.2 BBK 63.589
Authors Golovnev Andrei V.
Summary The turn of the 20th–21st centuries saw a theoretical shift in anthropology known as the “mobile turn” prompted by the need to replace the traditional for the academic literature static description of events with the new approach based on dynamics and mobility. The article provides an analytic review of the key concepts of the quickly developing anthropology, sociology and philosophy of mobility grouped in several sections: “Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari: Rhizome and Nomadology”, “Eric J. Leed: Traveling Man”, “John Urry: Mobile Turn”, “Tim Ingold: Ecology of Roads”, as well as the author’s concept “Anthropology and Ethnography of Movement”. One of the evidences of the success of this new research trend was the International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences in Ottawa (Canada) in 2017 under the general theme title “Mo(u)vement”. The retical foundations of static vs dynamic thinking and perception; the notions and the metaphors of the science of motion; the natural, social and personal variations of mobility; a road in the system of movement and communication; the relationship between movement and knowledge; anthropology and ethnography of the nomads as the source of data and the driver for conceptualization of nomadology.
Keywords anthropology, ethnography, mobility, movement, travel, nomads, nomadology

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