Issue 3 (60)

Year 2018 Number 3(60)
Pages 24-30 Type scientific article
UDC 39(=941.1) BBK 63.521(=65)
Authors Davydov Vladimir N.
Summary The article presents a study of the role of infrastructure in the routine practices of the Evenkis of Eastern Siberia within the context of their continuous migrations. The Evenkis’ mobility is analyzed as the reflexive and the creative process based on processing of a large amount of continuously updated information about the environment, the climatic conditions, movements of the people, equipment, as well as the wild and domestic animals. This is the product of synthesis of the traditional techniques and the innovations. Historically the Evenkis colonized the environment by means of building temporary bases to which they returned from time to time. The infrastructure which became available in the course of the industrial development projects implementation, as well as the policy of transition to a sedentary way of life, was quite pragmatically incorporated by Evenkis to serve their routine tasks: it was used as the source of construction materials, fuel, as convenient camping and storage places, and as the bases for organization of further movement. All this contributed to rationalization of mobility and served as a power source as a result of a reflexive process which did not make clear distinctions between the natural and the anthropogenic landscape.
Keywords mobility, appropriation of space, infrastructure, utilization of local resources, creativity, temporality, reflexivity, Eastern Siberia, Evenkis, hunters, reindeer herders

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