Issue 3 (60)

Year 2018 Number 3(60)
Pages 57-65 Type scientific article
UDC 398(=30):314.7 BBK 63.5-72
Authors Kisser Tatiana S.
Summary The ethnic history of the Russian Germans is a story of long-term and regular migrations. Hence the set expression “Volk auf dem Weg” (folk en route) which has become a metaphoric description of the Russian Germans. The notion “folk en route” reflects, in addition to the numerous migrations of the Russian Germans and their “mobile” way of life, also the ethno-cultural dynamics, the renovation of the community. The Russian Germans who have always been a sedentary people were forced to assume a “nomadic” way of life. Their relocations to the entirety new environments and living conditions have found a vivid reflection in their folklore and literature, from which we can learn about the history and the motivation for migrations. Descriptions of the journeys are full of geographic images with the emphasis on the comparison between different places of residence. A Russian German during the Soviet period was as a rule described as an exile who did not see any chance for salvation. The folklore texts were filled with the greatest tragedy and collective suffering, while the literary works were often based on autobiographic facts and thus were more reserved in style. The events most vividly described in both the folklore and the literature were the largest in scale (both in terms of the number of people and the distances involved) — the deportation from the Volga region and the emigration to Germany. These events inspired the new forms of presentation as well as the new trends in literature.
Keywords Russian Germans, Volk auf dem Weg (folk en route), migrations, folklore, literary creation

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