Issue 3 (60)

Year 2018 Number 3(60)
Pages 87-96 Type scientific article
UDC 902.652(470.34+470.5) BBK 63.442.14(235.55)
Authors Lychagina Evgenia L.
Summary The paper sums up the outcomes of the radiocarbon dating of the sites of the Kama, the Volga-Kama, and the Novoiljin culture in the territory of the Middle Cis-Urals. The radiocarbon dates for the Neolithic and the Post-Neolithic sites of the region have been obtained for the first time only in the 21st century. 28 dates for 15 archaeological sites were obtained for the Kama Neolithic culture, which indicates that the culture existed in the second half of the 6th — end of the 5th millennium BC. For the Volga-Kama Neolithic culture we obtained 10 dates for 4 sites. This gave reasons to date the existence of the culture by the second half of the 7th — middle of the 5th millennium BC. For the Novoiljin Post-Neolithic culture we obtained 11 dates for 8 sites, thus the culture was dated within the time frame of the end of the 5th — beginning of the 3rd millennium BC. Thus the Volga-Kama archaeological sites appeared in the territory of the Middle Cis-Urals earlier than the Kama culture sites, and, most likely, they coexisted with the Late Mesolithic occupation sites of the region. The sites of the advanced stage of the Volga-Kama culture were synchronous with the settlements of the early and the advanced stages of the Kama culture. We have no information of the existence of any Volga-Kama culture sites in the late Neolithic. The sites of the Levshin stage of the Kama Neolithic culture coexisted with the early sites of the Novoiljin culture, they also could form the basis for the formation of the latter.
Keywords Neolithic, Post-Neolithic, Middle Cis-Urals, radiocarbon dating, Kama culture, Volgo-Kama culture, Novoiliynskaya culture

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