Issue 3 (60)

Year 2018 Number 3(60)
Pages 133-141 Type scientific article
UDC 393 BBK 63.5-534
Authors Shkerin Vladimir A.
Summary In our mind movement is traditionally associated with life. However history is full of stories in which a person setting out on a long journey was a deceased ruler, a military leader, a wealthy person, a hero, or an “iconic thinker”. Such a “traveler” was treated by the accompanying people not as a dead cargo which had to be transported from one area to another, but rather as a travel companion. In the process of the posthumous relocation and funeral the people wished the deceased bon voyage, asked his forgiveness and gave oaths. His last will which prescribed the route of the movement, the place of the burial, the rituals which had to be observed in the process continued be in full force and effect. Such instructions and the specifics of their fulfillment could later form the basis of various myths and legends influencing the cultural and symbolic codes of the territories and social communities. Within the context of these theoretical ideas the author describes the story of the delivery from Italy to the Ural of the body of a major industrialist of his time Nikolai Demidov (1773–1828). One of the issues discussed was the symbolic importance of the owner’s burial in the territory of a factory district which he visited only once in his lifetime. The N. N. Demidov’s funeral laid the foundation for the would be owners necropolis in the territory of the Nizhny Tagil works: later his son and grandson were also buried there (they too died in Europe), as well as the other representatives of the famous dynasty.
Keywords travel, way, burial, Russian Nobility, factory owners Demidovs, Urals, Nizhnetagil’skij zavod, the first half of the 19th century

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