Issue 4 (61)

Year 2018 Number 4(61)
Pages 14-21 Type scientific article
UDC 94(470)“17” BBK 63.3(2)51
Authors Kiselev Mikhail A.
Bugrov Konstantin D.
Summary The paper deals with the issue of social mobilizations, taking the formation of noble social corporation in 18th century Russia as an example. The authors in their study of mobilizations put an emphasis on goal-setting, and therefore, instead of understanding of state and/or Nobility as monolithic actors, to view such actors as organizations, with the important capacity of mobilizing resources. On this methodologic basis the authors analyze the process of formation of Noble corporation in Russia. One of the important results of Petrine cultural reforms was the emergence of new understanding of Nobility as unity possessing collective marker (honor), replacing older vision of Nobility as multiple of kin possessing their own, unique honor. However, Peter’s military rule only created concept of united Nobility, but did not provided it with its own organization — an attempt to install noble self-rule failed. The creation of Nobility organization (that is, estate corporation) was the result of actions of post-Petrine elites which, in the context of overall social stabilization, managed to elaborate specific mobilization strategy, interpreting Petrine concepts of united Nobility in a specific way. Thus, corporate rights and privileges that were abundantly granted to Nobility in the 2nd half of 18th century were not the result of struggle between the State and Nobility, but the result of a mobilization undertaken by power elite, which had distinct vision of Nobility and which used the organization might of the state to implement it.
Keywords mobilization, state, society, Nobility, Peter I, westernization, modernization

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