Issue 4 (61)

Year 2018 Number 4(61)
Pages 30-37 Type scientific article
UDC 94(470)“18/19” BBK 63.3(2)53
Authors Górak Artur
Summary The article presents a history of a successful mobilization project addressing an important problem which significantly hindered international food trade — namely fighting the cattle epizootic outbreaks. In the 19th century the driving of cattle from the eastern and southern regions of the Russian Empire to the Kingdom of Poland had a pan-European importance. The trade reached its peak by the middle of the century. The frequent rinderpest outbreaks posed a serious threat to the large scale “food on feet” export business. Fighting the disease with the traditional administrative and police methods proved insufficient and required an active search for a non-standard approach. A solution was found with the help of mobilizing the general public, consolidation and synchronization of the actions of the state authorities and the cattle owners and veterinarian organizations. The crown authorities actions relying on the understanding of all stakeholders and the general public support proved to be a lot more effective than the bureaucratic prohibitions and produced positive results, which however did not have a lasting effect because of the outbreak of the Great War and the subsequent revolutionary events.
Keywords Russian Empire, Kingdom of Poland, public mobilization, livestock trade, quarantine, livestock run, epizootic, rinderpest, veterinary police

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