Issue 4 (61)

Year 2018 Number 4(61)
Pages 55-62 Type scientific article
UDC 94(470)“1946/1953”:82.091 BBK 63.3(2)631+83.000.3
Authors Klinova Marina A.
Trofimov Andrey V.
Summary The article deals with the study of the content, the specifics, and the forms of the propaganda rhetoric of the Soviet media discourse aimed at labor mobilization of the young people during the post-war period. Based on the study of the texts of the 1946–1953 “Smena” magazine publications about the working life of the RSFSR people the author has identified information units, the use of which pursued the goal of implicit labor mobilization — i. e. creation of a positive image of the legally “right” for the Soviet people model of labor behavior. The authors found the components of a reconstructible labor strategy: labor motivation; practical forms and manifestations of the approved labor practices; the results of work and the rewards. The results of the texts’ content-analysis demonstrated the quantitatively uneven use of the lexical forms — the components of the “right” sector of labor strategy for a Soviet person, which allowed to define two models of the implicit mobilization propaganda rhetoric widely used in the period between 1946 and 1953. The first was the “heroic labor” model expansively used in the magazine’s publications of the second half of the 1940-s, with its characteristic explicit militarized vocabulary, defining the labor practices in the categories of the extremum, and the infrequent and low key references to the topic of the reward. The second, “labor-reward” model practiced in the 1950-s went away from the extreme imperatives and the militarized vocabulary, it made greater emphasis on the personal positive results obtained by the workers in the process of and as a result of their work.
Keywords propaganda youth, labor mobilization, mass media, social policy, 1946–1953

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