Issue 4 (61)

Year 2018 Number 4(61)
Pages 89-95 Type scientific article
UDC 94(470.5+571.1)“15/17” BBK 63.3(235.55+253.3)5
Authors Tychinskih Zaytuna A.
Bukanova Rosa G.
Muratova Svetlana R.
Summary The article considers existing in historical science approaches to the concept of the frontier as a cognitive tool in the study of the history of accession of the Russian government of the territory of the Ural and Western Siberia. The article presents that the frontier in the studied territory passed 3 stages of development: the first stage — from 1586 till the beginning of 17th century, when there is a primary fortification preparation of the development zone — the construction of frontier points — the first fortresses on the annexed territory; the second stage — 17th century is the period of open conflicts, which led to the need to mark the boundaries of the Russian — populated territory, accompanied by the construction of border fortified features; the third stage covers the entire 18th century. This stage is associated with the construction of fortified lines — New Zakamskaja, Ekaterinburgskaja, Orenburgskaja and Siberian. The authors designate these stages as “point”, “transitional” and “linear” frontier. Features of colonization of the designated territories during 16th–18th centuries and their connection with process of formation of military-defensive lines in 17th–18th centuries are shown. The system of fortified lines in the Urals and Western Siberia played both a defensive role and served as the basis for the integration of new lands into the Russian state and a springboard for the spread of Russian influence in the region.
Keywords frontier, Ural, Western Siberia, fortress, fortification, the border lines, Russians, Bashkirs, Siberian Tatars, Kazakhs, Kalmyks

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