Issue 1 (62)

Year 2019 Number 1(62)
Pages 38-47 Type scientific article
UDC 903(470.5)”637” BBK 63.442.6(235.55)
Authors Tkachev Vitaliy V.
Summary The paper deals with the problem of reconstruction of the economic and cultural model formed on the Western periphery of the Alakul culture area of the Late Bronze Age. Within the limits of isolated physical-geographical areas, the population of two local variants of Alakul culture implemented a unified adaptation strategy based on the ability of steppe ecosystems to regenerate while preserving the ecological function. The basis of the life support system was one of the forms of nomadic cattle breeding with seasonal distribution of pasture and water sources and subsidiary role of hunting. Cattle breeding harmoniously combined with mining and metallurgical production due to the coincidence of seasonal economic and technological cycles associated with the organization of mining. In the warm season in the areas of summer pastures mining and primary processing of copper ores was carried out. Metal production activities of Êozhumberdy and Western Alakul cultural groups were associated with the development of copper ore resources in the southern spurs of the Ural mountains, the formation and functioning of the Ural-Mugodzhar and to some extent pre-Ural mining and metallurgical centers. The needs of non-ferrous metallurgy in alloying raw materials were provided due to the receipt of tin from Zarafshan mining and metallurgical center involved in the orbit of the West Asian (Eurasian) metallurgical province. Numerous deposits and ore occurrences of cassiterites in the mountain systems of Zarafshan were developed in the Late Bronze Age by the steppe pastoral population that advanced into the Central Asian interfluve from the Aral-Caspian region. The directions of trade communications passing through the North-Eastern Aral sea region coincided with the routes of seasonal migrations of certain populations of Western Alakul and Êozhumberdy cultural groups.
Keywords South Urals, Central Asia, Late Bronze Age, Alakul culture, nomadic herding, mining and metallurgical production, economic and cultural model

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