Issue 1 (62)

Year 2019 Number 1(62)
Pages 48-54 Type scientific article
UDC 903.05(571.1) BBK 63.442.6(253.3)
Authors Molodin Vyacheslav I.
Durakov Igor A.
Summary The article presents the results of studying a “throughˮ bronze casting technology, which is characteristic of the Seima-Turbino metalworking tradition. Particularly indicative are the Krotovo culture complexes located in the forest-steppe zone of Western Siberia, where unharmed casting molds for various Seima-Turbino-type objects (celts, spearheads, daggers, etc.) were found. All these molds had a through working chamber, either open from the bottom or equipped with a slot-like air drain. This technological method had been formed in the process of using stone molds in combination with the simplest low-temperature smelting facilities. It allowed to take through special channels the air and founding gases out of the mold chamber. This reduced the likelihood of some casting defects typical for low-temperature casting: blowholes, porosity, misruns and cold laps. A reasonable assumption is made that a “throughˮ casting technology has been the earliest in the production of the Seima-Turbino objects and, probably, originated it. Its impact on the formation of some items of Seima-Turbino appearance (spears, curved daggers, etc.) is traced. The analysis of Samus’-Kizhirovo and late Krotovo materials enables tracing the preservation of this tradition in the subsequent period of the Western Siberia Bronze Age.
Keywords Irtysh region, Krotovo culture, Seima-Turbino bronzes, «through» casting technology

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