Issue 1 (62)

Year 2019 Number 1(62)
Pages 87-95 Type scientific article
UDC 94(470.5)“18ˮ BBK 63.3(235.55)531
Authors Popova Olga D.
Summary The article explores everyday life of the Perm theological seminary of the late 19th century as a factor of the student protest movement. The memoirs of seminarian V. A. Yakhontov and the archival materials of the Training Committee are analyzed. The author demonstrates that the main reason for the unrest among the seminarians was the systemic crisis of spiritual and educational institutions. The whole organization of the seminary life inevitably gave rise to internal protest, stimulated students to get acquainted with progressive literature, be engaged in revolutionary activities. On the other hand, the seminarians’ unrest was caused by the peculiarities of the clergy estate life. The students were not satisfied with the internal monastery-like regime of educational institutions, the need to observe the rules of worship, strict supervision of the administration and poor living conditions. It is concluded that the protest movements in the seminaries reflected the specifics of the modernization processes in Russia: the catch-up nature of modernization left estates formally and legally intact, whereas in fact the boundaries between estates were being eroded. The state continued to hold on to the old order.
Keywords theological seminaries, protest movement, modernization, estate system, social consciousness

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