Issue 1 (62)

Year 2019 Number 1(62)
Pages 96-103 Type scientific article
UDC 94(470.5)“19” BBK 63.3(235.55)531
Authors Golikova Svetlana V.
Dashkevich Ludmila A.
Summary Based on the memoirs of the Ural Mining School students of the early 20th century the article reconstructs the history of everyday life of its boarding house. This specialized mining engineering educational institution was established in Ekaterinburg in 1853 and was subject to the rules of education and personnel training of the militarized mining service. The educatees of the school’s boarding house were under the constant control of teachers and guards, for the offenders of discipline there was a system of punishments, including flogging and imprisonment in the punishment cell. By the beginning of the 20th century, the school and its boarding house in everyday life kept adhering to the order of the mid-19th century, but a significant role in the process of upbringing and socialization of young men began to play the students collective, which the school administration had to be reckoned with. The students’ memoirs of the early 20th century make it possible to restore those social priorities that educatees formed during their training — self-esteem, intolerance to petty regulation, knocks and insults. Despite the bans of the administration, in cases of personal insult of one of the students, their intellectual coercion or other challenges, the pupils took a coordinated position, and it was the boarders who played the leading role in this confrontation. The boarding house was a locus of the students’ civic activity formation, which decided its fate: it was closed in 1906.
Keywords culture history, everyday life, education, upbringing, the Ural Mining School, the Urals, early 20th century

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