Issue 1 (62)

Year 2019 Number 1(62)
Pages 113-120 Type scientific article
UDC 94(470) BBK 63.3(2)53
Authors Yakhno Olga N.
Summary Over the last decade the topic of food, cuisine and gastronomy has become not only relevant, but also fashionable. That is why considering cookbooks as a source of the reconstruction of certain aspects of everyday life and even mental constructions seems quite justified. The article provides a comparative analysis of the content of such books published in the last third of the 19th — early 20th centuries and in the years of the pre-war “Stalinˮ Five-Year Plan. This allows us to trace the evolution of the gastronomic culture and important changes in home life that took place during the fundamental transformations of Russian society. The focus is on the recommended approaches to the organization of domestic nutrition and its ration, sets of dishes and recipes, cooking technologies, table setting, as well as the etiquette rules, popularized in cookbooks. An attempt is made to correlate their content with social realities. It is emphasized that these books gave some “correct examplesˮ that modern city housewives should have been guided by. In this way they performed not only educational, but also ideological functions. Such an approach was especially characteristic of “The book of tasty and healthy foodˮ, which was a kind of “culinary Bibleˮ of the Soviet era.
Keywords gastronomic culture, culinary art, cooking technologies, cookbooks

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