Issue 1 (62)

Year 2019 Number 1(62)
Pages 137-144 Type scientific article
UDC 94(470)“1945–1953” BBK 63.3(2)631
Authors Melnikova Natalia V.
Summary Russia’s atomic project is one of the most successful Soviet undertakings, which contributed considerably to the national defense and gave an impetus to the development of fundamentally new branches of science and industry. The implementation of a high-tech project in a war-torn country encountered difficulties of various sorts: scientific, economic, commodity, organizational, technical, industrial, educational, personnel and so on. Ultimately, as a result of the interaction of a large number of people, not just a viable, but an effective institution was created. Its leaders, no doubt, belonged to “event-creators”, who left the imprint of their individuality on the course of the project. Conditionally, they can be divided into state managers and scientific elite. The representatives of the latter have been given relatively more attention in the historiography of the Soviet atomic project, since their intellectual contribution was decisive for achieving the ultimate goal of the high-tech project. The article analyzes the biographies of members of the highest “atomic” governing bodies in 1945–1953 who were not related to the leaders “from science”. This is the first experience of drawing up their “collective biography”, which not only gives an opportunity to demonstrate who and why was at the head of the atomic project, but also illustrates the “normal” career of the Stalin era statesmen and the project they managed.
Keywords USSR atomic project, Special committee, First main administration, leaders

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