Issue 2 (63)

Year 2019 Number 2(63)
Pages 6-13 Type scientific article
UDC 3 BBK 71.1
Authors Sozina Elena K.
Mnich Roman
Summary The article focuses on the concepts of “memory of culture”, “cultural memory”, “cultural space” and “new meaning of the text”. Their explication in the scientific heritage of the prominent Slavicist and philosopher D. I. Chizhevsky (1894–1977) is examined. The difference between the concepts of “cultural memory” and “memory of culture” is established. Cultural memory, according to its leading theorists Ya. Assman and A. Assman, is personalistic, it is associated with the processes of remembering and forgetting, it has a subject — an individual or a certain community, its own mechanisms and “bearers”. In relation to memory of culture, the question of the subject is “removed”; in other words, this is culture itself in its diachronic symbolic-semantic dimension. In understanding of the cultural memory mechanisms there is a typological connection between D. I. Chizhevsky and Yu. M. Lotman’s concepts. The authors analyze two different mechanisms of cultural memory — linear and circular, it was due to them that D. I. Chizhevsky’s works created cultural space necessary for searching new meaning of a literary work. The linear mechanism takes us to memory of culture: it is the theory of cultural-historical epochs or waves, described by D. I. Chizhevsky. The circular mechanism is triggered when a new meaning of the text is born against the background of concentric circles expanding in the space of culture: this is how the scientist considered the problem of Baroque in European culture; it was the principle his reviews were built on. In this case, memory itself serves not just as a simple information keeper, it induces new meanings.
Keywords Dmitry Chizhevsky, memory of culture, cultural memory, cultural space, meaning of a literary work

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