Issue 2 (63)

Year 2019 Number 2(63)
Pages 14-21 Type scientific article
UDC 82-1(470.55)“1930/1970” BBK 83.3(235.55)
Authors Gramatchikova Natalia B.
Rozhkova Tatiana I.
Summary The article defines the priority strategies of constructing “collective memory”, realized by the poets of Magnitogorsk in the 1930–1970s. (B. Ruch’ev, M. Lyugarin, N. Kondratkovskaya). Memory is considered as a personal and collective resource, containing elements of identity that are both necessary and dangerous for an individual. The most radical representatives of working poetry (B. Ruch’ev) in the pursuit of a new identity resort to versatile practices of its construction, described in the article. By the early 1960s, the logic of industrial development exhausts itself, and a different thematic field turns out to be in demand. The same generation of poets forms a new paradigm of the “second motherland” concept, expanding the “native” to the natural landscape of the entire Southern Urals. N. Kondratkovskaya’s poems, on the one hand, support the evolutionary scheme adopted in Soviet historiography, the pantheon of heroes and anti-heroes, preserve literary centrism and, in part, colonial practices. On the other hand, they are in line with the global tendencies of increasing responsibility and the local activity of the subject. The authors believe that the poets’ primary task was the formation of actual identity in relation to themselves and their generation (“collective memory”). At the same time, autobiographical memory of the poets actively participated in determining their place in the local hierarchy (“first-builders”), while family history and intergenerational memory were replaced by constructed legitimate images. The development of the Southern Urals “sites of memory” in working poetry correlates with the global trends of transition from industrial to postindustrial society, it is notable for an increased desire to coincide with the roles the epoch dictated.
Keywords working poetry, collective memory, family memory, N. Kondratkovskaya, M. Lyugarin, B. Ruch’ev, identity, autobiography

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