Issue 2 (63)

Year 2019 Number 2(63)
Pages 22-30 Type scientific article
UDC 821.161.1 BBK 83.3(2)
Authors Proskurina Elena N.
Borisova Alisa B.
Summary A. Platonov’s story “Thirst of the beggar” (1920) is included in the corpus of his early utopian texts. This work is a complex ideological synthesis, reflected in the fusion of genre models. Applying cultural-historical, contextual, motivating methods of research, the authors come to the conclusion that, in its main task, the story is read as a test of utopian ideas of the revolutionary era, which ended with their debunking. The chosen perspective makes it possible to view the story as one of the original sources of cultural-historical memory of the key event in Russia of the past century — the October Revolution of 1917. The “head”, “intellectual” beginning of speculative constructions is intertwined in the text with the hero’s emotional response, who simultaneously experiences feelings of attraction and repulsion in relation to the “sterile” “kingdom of consciousness”. To reflect this contradiction, Platonov builds the plot as a double vision of the hero, organized according to the “matryoshka” principle — a dream within a dream. Intonational features of the story bring to a key place the inner position of the hero-visionary in relation to the man-made future of humankind. Parable elements affect the corresponding reading of “Thirst of the beggar” within the framework of an instructive genre, while intensifying the communicative function of the work. Thus, the story overcomes its status as a private “site of memory” and enhances its socio-historical sounding. The story turns into a kind of literary conductor from the past to the future, warning against the recurring model of the “eternal return” historical plot.
Keywords cultural and historical memory, A. Platonov, “Thirst of the beggar”, revolutionary philosophy, utopia, plot, motive

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