Issue 2 (63)

Year 2019 Number 2(63)
Pages 64-70 Type scientific article
UDC 94(474.5)”15/16” BBK 63.3(4Ëèò)5
Authors Ambroziak Tomasz
Summary The article considers the place of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania in the structure of state power in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and the attitudes of Lithuanian local dietines towards it in the second half of the 16th — first half of the 17th centuries. The author analyzes the role of the Grand Duchy in the structure of the Polish-Lithuanian state. In order to identify the attitudes of the broader strata of the gentry class at the local level, the sources of Lithuanian poviet dietines are studied. The article analyzes both the common institutions of power of the Commonwealth and the signs of Lithuanian statehood after the Union of Lublin: existence of its own name and its role in the formation of Lithuanian identity, existence and size of its own territory and institutions of power. Not only does the author determine the formal institutional framework of Lithuania in the structure of the Commonwealth, but he also answers a question, whether the Grand Duchy of Lithuania was one of the two components of the Polish-Lithuanian state or only one of its several regions, and to what extent its position corresponded to the ideas of the Lithuanian gentry.
Keywords Grand Duchy of Lithuania, Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, dietines, Lithuanian particularism, integrational processes

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