Issue 2 (63)

Year 2019 Number 2(63)
Pages 71-78 Type scientific article
UDC 94(574)”1822/1868” BBK 63.3(5Êàç)
Authors Dalayeva Tenlik T.
Summary The article deals with the problem of social changes that took place in the Kazakh traditional society in the first half of the 19th century, during realization of administrative reforms under the Charter on the Siberian Kyrgyz (Kazakhs) of 1822 in the Middle zhuz territory. The author characterizes the position of Kazakh lay judges of external district prikazes in the Siberia Kirgiz (Kazakhs) Oblast, their functional duties and activities at the service of the Russian Empire in 1822–1868. This position was intended for the Kazakhs from the “black boneˮ and provided them with the opportunity to participate in the management at the district level and even to perform the chairman duties in the external district prikaz in cases of a prolonged official absence of senior sultans. For thirty years since the Charter on the Siberian Kyrgyz (Kazakhs) entered into force, social changes have taken place in the Kazakh society: sultans ceded their positions in the management of the Kazakhs to beys and starshinas. By the end of the 1860s certain composition of Kazakh officials acting at the level of external districts and volosts was formed. On the one hand, they became agents of Russian management practices, on the other — offered their solutions to protect the interests of the Kazakhs under their jurisdiction in various conflict situations.
Keywords Kazakh lay judges of external district prikazes, West Siberian general-governorship, Siberian Kirghiz (Kazakhs) oblast, Middle zhuz, Charter on the Siberian Kyrgyz (Kazakhs) of 1822, Russian Empire, sultans, beys, first half of the 19th century

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