Issue 2 (63)

Year 2019 Number 2(63)
Pages 96-103 Type scientific article
UDC 94(470.5)”1918” BBK 63.3(235.55)612
Authors Rynkov Vadim M.
Summary The activity of the Provisional regional government of the Urals is examined from the standpoint of perspectives and opportunities of the Urals existence as an autonomous entity of the Federation. This topic has been studied so far on a narrow source base. The key documents were introduced into scientific use by predecessors outside the context explaining the motives of their origin. The author analyzes the legislation and documents of the government, focusing on revealing the driving forces and mechanisms of the evolution of the Ural autonomy in the second half of 1918. It was initially supposed that the regional authorities would regulate only a few economic sectors necessary for ensuring self-government of the mining and metallurgical Urals. However, to solve the tasks the government had to implement wider range of measures, select additional areas of management, prepare a significant number of regulations. The Provisional regional government of the Urals adapted legislation of Samara Komuch and the Provisional Siberian government. It also launched a number of legislative initiatives which would be later used by Russia’s government for conducting social policy and ensuring interaction between central and regional authorities, building relations between regions. The main reason for widening competence and submitting a claim to a large territory was the government’s effort to ensure social stability and successful economic development of the Urals in the short and long terms.
Keywords Provisional regional government of the Urals, Civil war, autonomy, legislation, ideology, economic and social policy, regional governance

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