Issue 2 (63)

Year 2019 Number 2(63)
Pages 127-136 Type scientific article
UDC 930.2(470) BBK 63.01
Authors Borodkin Leonid I.
Summary The article discusses the big challenges of Russia’s historical development associated with the unstable nature of the social and political processes of the 20th century, the unpredictability of radical changes that capture different countries, and the alternatives of their development. An adequate approach to studying such processes, analyzing mechanisms of their functioning became possible on the basis of the multidisciplinary concept of synergetics related to the doctrine of self-organization, the methods of nonlinear dynamics and chaos theory. An important issue this paper addresses is relationship between regularity and randomness in the development of an unstable social process, in particular, the role of the individual in this process. This issue acquires special significance in researching transition epochs and radical transformations of society, which require an adequate response to the big challenges posed by the risk of a system falling into the trajectory of turbulent development. Connected with this question are new approaches to exploring alternatives of social development that arise at the points of bifurcation, considered in the article on the example of the development of the revolutionary situation in 1917 Russia. It is shown that the challenges of instability which impede sustainable development that have emerged at different periods of Russia’s history and that are possible in its foreseeable future can be analyzed and modeled using synergetic concepts. The methodological tools of historical research are expanding and include now methods of studying unstable historical processes, dynamics of revolutionary changes and protest movements.
Keywords challenges, instability, “complexity scienceˮ, synergetics, self-organization, nonlinear dynamics, chaos, bifurcations, revolutions, protest movements, sustainable development

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