Issue 2 (63)

Year 2019 Number 2(63)
Pages 137-142 Type scientific article
UDC 82-43(571.1)“18” BBK 83.3(2=411.2)52
Authors Rogachyova Natalya A.
Ertner Elena N.
Summary The article describes the specifics of constructing of the Siberian exile world in the literary and literary-publicistic prose by the narodnik writer N. I. Naumov. The authors demonstrate the ways in which the facts of the writer’s personal memories are transformed into events of collective historical memory and the topic of “guilty Siberia” is transformed into a fact of individual-personal psychological experience. Based on the materials of the 19th century provincial press new facts about N. I. Naumov’s service in Ishim, Tyumen, Berezovsk, Tobolsk counties of Tobolsk province in 1864–1866 are established. The subject-matter of the study is explicit and implicit forms of the author’s position representation in essays and stories written under the impression from his encounters with representatives of various social groups that made up the population of Western Siberia in the 1860s. The genre and narrative structure specificity of N. I. Naumov’s works that brought all-Russian fame to him are shown. A steady conflict between populist and regional ideologies, realized by the writer and embodied in his prose, is revealed. For the regionalism ideologists, such as N. M. Yadrintsev and G. N. Potanin, Siberia is a political symbol, a “party phrase,” an object of ethnographic and sociopolitical constructing. For N. I. Naumov, it is a source of artistic subjectivity, a subject of reflection based on individual memories of the zemstvo service. In his dialogues with the heroes, the narrator manifests himself as an “unwitting tourist”, an impassive researcher of everyday life and socio-psychological types of exiled settlers, former convicts, people who have been subject to criminal punishment. At the same time, N. I. Naumov’s prose is an experience in artistic development of both the history of exile and the historical consciousness of Russian populism.
Keywords N. I. Naumov, Siberian essays, regionalism, populism, lifeworld, exile Siberia, territory of memory, memory of social groups

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