Issue 2 (63)

Year 2019 Number 2(63)
Pages 143-149 Type scientific article
UDC 82-992(470.5) BBK 83.3(2=411.2)53
Authors Vlasova Elena G.
Vedernikov Aleksandr P.
Summary The article discusses the role of certain genres in the history of the formation of a local text. This role is formed historically — depending on the circumstances of the literary development of space and on its geographical and cultural specifics as well. In the history of the Urals local text, an important role was played by travel writings of the 19th — early 20th centuries, the period of active cultural development of the Urals. Due to geopolitical circumstances, travelogues has become the first experience of the literary description of the Urals, and it makes it possible to raise an issue of possible influence of the genre features of this text type on the formation of the Urals space image. By means of special binding nature of the narration, formed around the description of movement, the travelogues reflect the space as dynamic narratives, which are based on the travel route. As a result of overlaying travel texts related to the localization of the main transport arteries, a stable map of routes-narratives, which include repeated values, images and plots, is formed. The fanlike arrangement of these routes visually shows a fairly representative coverage of the region in the travelogues of this period: the Urals appears not as a set of transit points, but as an integral and self-sufficient space. On the other hand, the figurative-semantic characteristic of the manifested routes helps to detect their close connection with the matrix of meanings relevant for the contemporary Ural landscape. These things allow the authors to talk about important shaping functions of the travelogue in the process of formation of the Ural local text, about its ability to act as a “text of self-description”.
Keywords local text, travelogue, travel route, map of Ural travels of the 19th — early 20th centuries

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