Issue 3 (64)

Year 2019 Number 3(64)
Pages 6-14 Type scientific article
UDC 94(4/5)“04/18ˮ BBK 63.3
Authors Zubkov Konstantin I.
Shumkin Georgy N.
Summary The article is an attempt at reconstructing basic regularities of macro-historical evolution of the Eurasia steppe zone regarded as a vast borderland space. The chief of these regularities was that the nomadic civilization emerged within the Eurasian steppe zone, in spite of upsurges of the imperial power, along with the course of historical progress, tended to lag behind the technically oriented sedentary and agrarian civilizations in the pace and results of development. The change of the world political structure, which accompanied this process, led to the fragmentation and growing instability of the Eurasia steppe zone. This resulted in its transformation into the borderland space situated between the approaching “frontiers” of more powerful and stable state entities. The article argues that a number of morphological particularities inherent in the borderland zones during the pre-industrial epoch may be considered as applicable for characterizing the historical development of the Eurasia steppe nomadic zone, which had become the arena of the counter expansionist moves of the competing states. This complicated political disposition essentially influenced the conditions of survival and the factors of resilience of the steppe borderlands; it also explains the historically protracted process of their colonization inseparably linked with the need to develop complex combinatory strategies of all-embracing (economic, military, political, cultural) reconstruction of the steppe spaces.
Keywords Eurasia, Russia, steppe zone, border, borderland, nomadic civilization, colonization, Frontier

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