Issue 3 (64)

Year 2019 Number 3(64)
Pages 49-56 Type scientific article
UDC 94(571.63) BBK 63.3(2ÐÎÑ-4ÏÐÈ)
Authors Chernolutskaia Elena N.
Summary Khasan district of Primorsky Krai is the farthest South-Eastern region of Russia, adjacent to the border with North Korea and China. Its remoteness and weak population rootedness have always been the main factors of vulnerability. The degree of state control over the territory is closely related to the nature of border and migration policy. During the Imperial period, the district was a zone inhabited by two newcomer groups — Russian subjects and Korean immigrants — with the increasing predominance of the latter. In the Soviet period, the state “domestication” of this zone took the form of sovietization of Koreans, restriction of immigration, replacement of the Korean population by Russians, military strengthening and social “cleaning” of the border area. After the Korean deportation in 1937, the district developed as a Russian monocultural space with closed borders. In the 1960s–1980s, being under the care of the Center because of its strategic importance, the district had a stable demographic and economic growth. The initial period of the Russian Federation was marked by the “state withdrawal” from the border area and the liberalization of the border regime. But the economic and demographic degradation of the district began in the absence of the Center’s support. In the 2010s, within the framework of the “turn to the East” policy there are signs of state “returning” to the Far Eastern frontier areas, attempts to develop them by attracting state and private capital. However, this has not yet led to obvious changes in the well-being of the population and demographic dynamics of the Khasan district.
Keywords ethno-demographic dynamics, border policy, border territory, Russia’s Far East

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