Issue 3 (64)

Year 2019 Number 3(64)
Pages 57-64 Type scientific article
UDC 94(43)+(470+574+510)“19ˮ BBK 63.3
Authors Vodichev Evgeny G.
Summary The paper is a comparative analysis of the evolution of borders and transboundary territories in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe (CEE), now belonging to the European Union (EU), and the Asian part of Russia. The methodological basis of the article is the theory of transboundary interactions by Oscar Martinez, within which the alienated, coexisting, interdependent and integrated border regions are distinguished. The author presets characteristic of each of the selected formats of border and transboundary territories. Special attention is paid to the institutional aspects of cross-border cooperation in Europe, above all — to the model of Euroregions. The objectives and specifics of Euroregions as a mechanism for cross-border cooperation are described. The author notes the experience of using the institutional format of Euroregions on the borders of the European part of Russia and the EU member states. The basic trends and formats of cross-border interactions in the CEE countries and in the Asian part of Russia are shown. The peculiarities of cross-border interactions on the borders of Russia with Kazakhstan and the PRC are characterized. The concept of risks and restrictions in the development of the system of cross-border interactions in the east of Russia is formulated. The author draws a conclusion about fundamentally different development vectors and conditions for the integration of the CEE countries and the Asian part of Russia and neighboring countries, which makes it impossible to directly use the development mechanisms of Euroregions for cross-border territories on the east of Russia in the short and medium term.
Keywords borders, transboundary territories, cross-border cooperation, transboundary institutes, Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) countries, Euroregions, Asian Russia

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