Issue 3 (64)

Year 2019 Number 3(64)
Pages 93-98 Type scientific article
UDC 94(470)“19ˮ+“20ˮ BBK 63.3
Authors Yankovskaya Galina À.
Summary The article considers the phenomenon of smile as a sociocultural phenomenon on the example of the posters created in the USSR in 1943–1945. The smile, being a visible sign of the comic is not always generated by comic situations. It has a dual nature (neurophysiological and linguocultural), being a hybrid of the physical and the cultural, it combines the immediacy of an emotional reaction with the prescriptions of social norms. It testifies to the change of mass moods and social contexts; it links the emotional regime with the political one. From this point of view, we can talk about the instrumentalization of laughter, the use of various regimes of the comic in the interests of the state and big politics. The argument in favor of this statement is the change in the visual lexicon of the Soviet posters of 1943–1945: along with a change in the course of military actions, military men with a demonstrative staging smile on their face are increasingly appearing on the posters. Transformed into a visual stamp, such poster military smiles became the object of criticism and condemnation, gradually disappearing from public rotation. However, they came back during the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War celebration in 2015. The massive and uncritical use of the symbolic resources of the Soviet era immersed the “high” patriotic theme of posters in the everyday eclectic context of the urban environment. Such decontextualization led to comic situations, turned the symbolism of wartime posters into semantic noise.
Keywords laughter, comic, smile as a sociocultural concept, Soviet poster, anniversaries of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War

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