Issue 3 (64)

Year 2019 Number 3(64)
Pages 99-107 Type scientific article
UDC 94(470+529)”1940/1950”:741.5 BBK 63.3(2)63+85.156-44
Authors Litovskaya Maria A.
Yen Tingchia
Summary The article analyzes the image of the enemy in political caricatures of the USSR and the Republic of China (Taiwan). Taiwan became an object of caricature in the USSR since the second half of the 1940s due to evacuation of the Kuomintang supporters and the army commanded by Chiang Kaishek from mainland China. The USSR perceived the Republic of China as a state that was politically opposed to the friendly PRC and as a zone of the USA political influence. Historically, Taiwan was not a significant Other for Russia, so the visual image of “Taiwanesenessˮ recognizable to citizens of the USSR had not been formed. Soviet cartoonists created a negative image of Chiang Kai-shek as the head of the “Kuomintang cliqueˮ, using sustainable techniques: hyperbolizing the appearance of Chiang Kai-shek; giving him social roles of a beggar, the US puppet; emphasizing the similarity of pro-American “islandˮ dictators with a characteristic “Asianˮ appearance. The image of the USSR as the main enemy of the country had been formed in Taiwan at the same time. In 1949, Chiang Kai-shek declared “the struggle against Chinese communism and Soviet aggressionˮ as the central direction of the state policy; he identified the USSR and its leader, J. Stalin, as the patron of hostile communist regimes. The image of the aggressor was embodied in the political cartoons of the Zhōngyāng rìbào newspaper during the Korean War (1950–1953) in a steady image of J. Stalin as a secret manipulator-puppeteer who could turn other people into something similar to himself, and other countries that chose the socialist development path into the “uglyˮ USSR.
Keywords Cold War, propaganda, political caricature, enemy image, Soviet-Taiwanese relations, J. Stalin, Chiang Kai-shek

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