Issue 4 (65)

Year 2019 Number 4(65)
Pages 17-29 Type scientific article
UDC 903(571.1)“634” BBK 42.14(253.3)
Authors Stefanov Vladimir I.
Molodin Vyacheslav I.
Bobrov Vladimir V.
Mylnikova Ludmila N.
Summary The article discusses the results of thermal analysis (DTG) of ceramic vessels samples from archaeological sites of Baraba and the Lower Ob region of the Early Neolithic period. The DTG technique is based on the quantitative determination of mass loss by a sample at the stages of dehydration — mass loss within the temperature interval between 30–350ºÑ (m1) and decomposition of hydroxyls — mass loss within the interval between 350–600ºÑ (m2). The data are visualized by a graph. Attention is focused on comparing the location of the indicators of the samples from the Tartas-1, Ust-Tartas-1, Autodrom-2/1 and 2/2, Amnya-1, Kirip-Vis-Yugan-2 sites. The authors establish the possibility of using the thermal method for fixing — based on determining the quality of fi ring — ancient ceramic complexes. It is revealed that the items of the studied sites were subjected to short-term low-temperature fi ring. The ceramics of the Amnya-1, Kirip-Vis-Yugan-2 sites was divided into two groups. One of them demonstrates the isolation of crockery from the northern regions and its gravitation towards a group with ancient Far Eastern ceramics, which may be the result of the convergent development of pottery production.
Keywords thermal analysis, ceramics, fi ring quality, Neolithic

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