Issue 4 (65)

Year 2019 Number 4(65)
Pages 30-39 Type scientific article
UDC 903(235.55) BBK 63.4-421
Authors Chairkina Natalia M.
Vilisov Eugene V.
Heussner Karl-Uwe
Reinhold Sabine
Mariaschk Dirk
Summary The investigations of the VI Section of the Gorbunovsky peat bog, which occupies a special place among all peat bogs in the Trans-Urals, due to the amount of uncovered area, a unique complex of wooden constructions and accompanying findings, have been conducting for more than a hundred years. However, many issues, including the time of creation and the functional purpose of buildings, continue to be the subject of discussion. The article analyzes the context and dating of a wooden construction investigated by a comprehensive Russian-German expedition in 2017–2018. In the excavations of these years, two cultural layers were recorded: the layer of the early Bronze Age with construction 1, which was located in peat, and the layer of the Eneolithic period — in the upper part of sapropel. Fragments of ceramics, stone and wooden items were found. The total length of construction 1, oriented from the north-east to the south-west, is at least 1150 cm. It consisted of more than 300 stakes and 400 tree trunks with or without traces of processing. Judging by a series of radiocarbon dates and dendrochronological analysis data, the investigated construction functioned in the last third of the third millennium BC, during the early Bronze Age, and was marked with ceramics of the Karasjeozersky type. Its design and, probably, its functional purpose differed from other wooden buildings of the VI Section. Localization and architectural features do not exclude its use as a kind of virtual or real “defensive” or “fence” system.
Keywords Trans-Urals, VI Section, wooden construction, radiocarbon dating, dendrochronology, archaeological complex

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