Issue 4 (65)

Year 2019 Number 4(65)
Pages 64-71 Type scientific article
UDC 904(2) BBK 63.40
Authors Belyaev Leonid A.
Summary The paper offers a new perspective on the materials of Russia’s historical archaeology. This field has been accepted as a part of fundamental science only recently, in the last quarter of the 20th century. Using the methods of archaeology, the research aims at identifying the specific features of the “Russian space” and its genesis. It is to describe and emphasize the role of the Moscow state and the Russian Empire in the Great Discoveries from the 16th till the 19th centuries; to mark the main types of the sites and monuments of the Russian presence in North-Eastern Eurasia and outside of it. The paper provides examples of established connection between the archaeological artifacts and the strongholds of the Russian space exploration, such as fortresses (Rus. — ostrog) of Siberia (among them Albazinsky, Umrevinsky as well as future big towns — Tomsk etc.), the largest fortresses of the monasteries of the Russian North, the Southern strategic lines at the rivers of Don, Ural and around of Azov sea, combining the wooden, earthen and stone fortification elements. The extremely distant points of the Russian space are totally different as the participants of the exploration and occupation of the World. There are the Arctic shores and islands, coasts of the Pacific and Atlantic oceans, Caucasus coast of the Caspian Sea and the points of destination for the pilgrims which included into the space of “Russian Geography” the region of Syria and Palestine. In addition, the task to fit archaeological research aimed at designating the Russian presence into the global picture of the world of the New and Modern times is set.
Keywords historical archaeology, Russian presence, Far East, Siberia, Solovetsky Monastery, Svalbard, Derbent, Azov region, Palestine, New Jerusalem

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