Issue 4 (65)

MUSEUM REAL AND VIRTUAL (the experience of Russian Germans)
Year 2019 Number 4(65)
Pages 82-89 Type scientific article
UDC 069 BBK 79.147.1
Authors Kisser Tatiana S.
Summary The article discusses the history and current state of museum construction of Russian Germans based on archival, field and cyber field sources. The main attention is paid to the role of museums in the formation of self-identity, ethnic and other identities. The experience of Russian Germans shows that the community has gone through several stages in gaining national identity, and the museum movement played a big role in this. All these stages are connected with the historical features of the community development: creation of the Autonomous Region of the Volga Germans — establishment of the first national museum; deportation and folding of new regional groups — a museum boom in the field (Siberia, the Urals, the Volga region); emigration and as a result — a museum movement of Russian Germans in Germany. In addition, at different times, the museum often acted as a means of self-realization, as this was to be the case at the beginning of the 20th century when G. Dinges created the Central Museum in the Volga German Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic; at the end of the 20th century when the museum of Russian Germans was established in Germany at O. Hertel’s initiative; or at the beginning of the 21st century when V. Moor organized the Museum of Migrants. All these developments are accompanied by many years of discussions on the need for a real museum and the initiation of an alternative project — a virtual museum of Russian Germans. The author concludes that the museum is one of the main forms of presentation of ethnic diversity and the identity of individual peoples; it acts as a tool for finding roots and helps in the construction of identity.
Keywords Russian Germans, museum, museum movement, virtual museum, identity

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