Issue 4 (65)

Year 2019 Number 4(65)
Pages 98-107 Type scientific article
UDC 39:069.1 BBK 63.5+79.100
Authors Kolomiets Oxana P.
Nuvano Vladislav N.
Vukvukay Nadeghda I.
Tserkovnikova Ekaterina A.
Summary At first glance it may seem that a huge layer of traditional culture of the reindeer herders and sea hunters of Chukotka has irretrievably gone to the museum collections or completely lost. Plunging deep into the daily life of a modern reindeer herder, a craftsman or a rural inhabitant makes it clear that this opinion is very superficial and even mistaken. Knowledge about things and objects is well preserved among the modern indigenous population of Chukotka, but it is obvious that people who spent their childhood or most of their lives in the tundra, in camps, surrounded by older relatives and language environment have the most complete information about traditional material culture. Some owners of certain items know nothing about them, but cherish these things just because their older relatives did so. It happened that people deliberately brought the cherished things to the museum to prolong their life, to preserve for future generations. In modern life of indigenous peoples, it is also important how things that have become museum exhibits live; whether they broadcast the energy, knowledge, aesthetics of the people who created them, or simply gather dust in the funds, forgotten and unnecessary. The purpose of this paper is to characterize the range of objects and things of the indigenous inhabitants of Chukotka, which exist not only in the ethnographic museum collections, but still have significance in everyday life, in modern ritual practice, in economic activities of the reindeer herders of Chukotka. The research is based on museum and literary sources and field materials collected by the authors in 1999–2019 in the town of Anadyr, Anadyr, Iultinsky and Chukotka districts of the Chukotka Autonomous district.
Keywords indigenous peoples of Chukotka, traditional objects, things, family relics, museum collections

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