Issue 4 (65)

Year 2019 Number 4(65)
Pages 124-132 Type scientific article
UDC 82-43 BBK 83.014.4
Authors Gramatchikova Natalia B.
Summary The cycle of essays by K. Nosilov “On Novaya Zemlya” (1903) is written under the impressions of three winterings on the archipelago, as well as from travels along the Lower Ob, reflected 10, 15 and 20 years later. Nosilov notes the changes in the perception of himself and his environment under the influence of various extreme factors: storms, frost, hunger, scurvy, polar night, isolation, etc. The article analyzes how the author’s polar experience affects his understanding the “inhabitants of the polar countries”: people and animals. All living creations in the North, according to Nosilov, develop similar mechanisms of adaptation and have no guarantees for preserving life. An important “side effect” of his survival experience is the author’s listening in the history of the nameless female characters. Although during the wintering period Nosilov carried out scientific experiments and conducted diary entries, the most significant literary result of the experience on Novaya Zemlya is his ability to verbalize other people’s experience. Such is the well-known biographical essay “History of Samoyed” and his story “History of One Polar Wintering” (1913), where Nosilov plays the role of a co-author, emotionally and informationally supplementing of the diary entries of a commercial artel member. The specificity of Nosilov’s texts is considered against the background of ethnographic sketches of that time (S. Maximov “One Year in the North”, P. Infantiev “Polar Robinson”, etc.).
Keywords Novaya Zemlya, Nenets, Samoyeds, scurvy, wintering, survival, postcolonialism, ethnographic essay

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