Issue 1 (66)

Year 2020 Number 1(66)
Pages 54-61 Type scientific article
UDC 94(470)”19” BBK 63(3)6
Authors Kornilov Gennady E.
Summary The article analyzes the agrarian vector of development of Russia in the 20th century. The author believes that in Russia agrarian modernization was the main direction of the movement of the century. The historical path to the formation of land ownership in Russia has demonstrated that the creation of efficient agriculture is impossible within the framework of only one state form of ownership. Forms of land ownership can influence land relations. The phasing of the search for land ownership forms took almost a century: during the Stolypin agrarian reform, an institution of private property was introduced, then in the Soviet period another option was chosen — state ownership of land, in the post-Soviet era a second attempt was made to introduce the institution of private land ownership. On the basis of legislative documents, primarily Russia’s four land codes, which reflect the search for the owner of the Russian land, the author shows a change in the forms and types of property: collective (communal), state, kolkhoz-cooperative and private. A long search led to the conclusion that the creation of an effective agrarian economy is possible only on the basis of a developed institution of private land ownership.
Keywords agrarian modernization, agrarian reform, land reform, private ownership of land, land code

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