Issue 1 (66)

Year 2020 Number 1(66)
Pages 83-92 Type scientific article
UDC 94(470)“18” BBK 63(3)521
Authors Arsentyev Nikolay M.
Arsentyev Viktor M.
Summary The article is devoted to the history of the Moscow Mining Board, one of the institutions of the mining industry of Russia in the first half of the 19th century. Its activity in the context of industrialization processes is a unique object of research. The existence of the regional mining center contributed to carrying out a unified industrial policy, the stable operation of management structures in the Zamoskovsky Mountain District, the rational use of internal production reserves and natural resources, as well as the overall economic and socio-cultural development of Central Russia and the Middle Volga Region, the territory where the Zamoskovny (located around Moscow) mining plants were mainly situated. The development of the district metallurgy was directly dependent on the entire social and economic system of serf Russia: a small domestic market, a slow trade turnover, high interest rates in financial transactions, and the lack of good communication routes — these are just a few evidences of undeveloped market relations in the country. There were both innovative trends, expressed in the emergence of new methods for producing cast iron and iron, and conservative features, manifested in the preservation of rather archaic forms of labor organization and technological methods of metal smelting. While the role of Russia’s metallurgy in the world metal production decreased, the technical and technological potential of the factories of the Moscow Mining Board was still quite high, and the cast iron, iron and iron products they made were competitive. Due to this, in the second half of the 19th — early 20th centuries metallurgical enterprises of central Russia reached a new level of development, quite actively and successfully joining the new stage of the industrial race.
Keywords Zamoskovny mining district, Moscow Mining Board, modernization, industrialization, reforms

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