Issue 1 (66)

Year 2020 Number 1(66)
Pages 103-112 Type scientific article
UDC 94(470)“1920/1930” BBK 63.3(2)611-2
Authors Sukhova Olga A.
Summary The purpose of the research is studying the problem of preserving the historical continuity of mobilization strategies in the Russian state economic policy. The organization of labor in the 1920–1930s Soviet village was chosen as a subject of scientific analysis. Based on the predecessors’ achievements and documentary evidences, the author reveals the genesis and development of the mobilization economy on the example of the study of military settlements and agricultural policy of the Soviet state. Among the main mobilization economy characteristics the article makes mention of the following: militarization of management, preservation and reproduction of emergency management practices, a forced labor. The revival of traditional ways of mobilization of Russia’s village resources of the early 20th century was caused by a total crisis of consumer system during the First World War and food insecurity. The rebranding the mobilization strategies of the Imperial period led to a large-scale project of social engineering aimed at completing the transition to industrial forms of management. This project also suggested strict involvement of labor and material resources of the village in the construction of the Soviet economy industrial complex. Administrative tyranny and non-economic forms of forced labor, tested during the Civil war, would form the foundation of collectivization. The historical continuity of managerial decisions is both in certain analogy between the formation of regimental settlement districts in the 19th century and in extensive administrative campaign to organize agricultural communes/collective farms with the participation of demobilized Red Army soldiers in 1924–1933.
Keywords peasantry, mobilization economy, military settlements, Stalinist modernization, collective farm system, forced labor, workday, Red Army collective farms

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