Issue 1 (66)

Year 2020 Number 1(66)
Pages 123-129 Type scientific article
UDC 94(470) BBK 63(3)
Authors Alekseev Veniamin V.
Summary The article attempts to study Russian history through the prism of big challenges, to consider it as a combination of complex problems and the possibilities of their solution, which require the state and society to respond in a timely manner to the emerging threats to the country’s existence and progress. A theoretical understanding of the essence of the challenges and responses to them, proceeding from specific historical situations, leads to a deeper understanding of the Russian path of development and makes it possible to generalize practical recommendations in this area. The author poses the problem of the global (big) historical challenge to the Russian Empire related to the transition from agrarian-rural to industrial-urban society (modernization) and substantiates the periodization of this process in relation to the era under consideration. It is concluded that the process was not completed within the imperial period and resulted in the collapse of the Russian Empire at the beginning of the 20th century.
Keywords alternative, big challenges, geopolitics, empire, historical experience, innovation, mentality, modernization, technology

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