Year | 2020 | Number | 1(66) |
Pages | 140-148 | Type | scientific article |
UDC | 930(470)”1990/2010” | BBK | 63.1(2)64 |
Authors | Poberezhnikov Igor V. |
Summary | The article analyzes the debatable problems of Russian modernizations, which are reflected in the latest literature of the late 1990–2010s. Two approaches to the characterization of the modernization process itself are revealed: as a universal and regular process; as a process that is characterized by country-specific features. The author notes the connection of the first approach with optimistic or pessimistic assessments of the effectiveness of modernization, depending on how tight and voluminous the comparison with the benchmark is made. The second approach qualifies as more flexible, but leading to relativization of the general assessments of the modernization process. Interpretations of Russian modernizations are analyzed from the point of view of involvement of various driving forces: the state, the bureaucracy, entrepreneurs, various organizational and social structures. The paper outlines a promising approach to the study of modernizations with access to the regional level and certain time intervals aimed at modeling specific sub-country modernizations. This approach takes into account a vast size of the country, diversity of its constituent regions and duration of the modernization transformation itself. | ||
Keywords | modernization, Russian empire, historiography, interpretation, concept, dynamics, driving forces, state, liberal bureaucracy, foreign capital, entrepreneurship | ||
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