Issue 2 (67)

Year 2020 Number 2(67)
Pages 52-60 Type scientific article
UDC 94(571.16)”16/17” BBK 63.3(2)
Authors Barsukov Evgeniy V.
Chernaya Mariya P.
Summary After the foundation of the town of Tomsk, one of the directions in the development of the surrounding territories was the organization of agricultural lodges (zaimka), which gradually grew into village settlements. By the beginning of the 18th century in the locality adjacent to the town, two large agricultural areas (stan) were taking shape. The article is dedicated to the Poros Stan (in the Tom–Ob interfluve), where the vast majority of settlements was founded in the Poros river basin. The first lodges were established at the very beginning of the 17th century, the valley of this river was already fully developed by the agricultural population in the first century of the Russian presence, and by the beginning of the 18th century there were at least 31 villages. The active development of Russian archeology in Tom river area is associated with many years of research in the city of Tomsk; at the same time the tasks of archaeological study of the 17th–18th centuries Siberian village in Tomsk Uyezd (district) have not yet been formulated even at the thesis level. The study of the Tom–Ob interfluve allows the authors to state that the Poros river valley was a unique area where favorable natural, landscape, historical and cultural preconditions were concentrated for the formation of agricultural lodges and villages network during the initial development by the Russians of this part of Western Siberia. Most of the currently functioning settlements were founded during the 17th — early 18th century, this makes the Poros river basin a true historical and cultural reserve, unique, still living evidence of the Russian development of the Ob–Tomsk interfluve and an ideal object for a comprehensive study of existing and disappeared villages and their locations.
Keywords Western Siberia, Tom-Ob region, Tom-Ob interfluve, Poros stan, agricultural lodge, Siberian village, 17th–18th centuries

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