Issue 2 (67)

Year 2020 Number 2(67)
Pages 71-77 Type scientific article
UDC 94(470.5) BBK 63.3(235.55)
Authors Kurlaev Eugeniy A.
Summary The article considers the possibility of a comprehensive application of historicism, diffusionism and the enclave-conglomerate concept while studying the formation of industry and industrial landscapes. Productive sectors in the Urals had a specific spatial configuration and emerged in a certain sequence. In the 17th century, the first mineral deposits were discovered in the foothills. In the 18th century the Urals was covered with a network of manufactories with a characteristic mining landscape. In the 19th century, implementation of steam engines, machinery and railways changed the spatial structure and logistics of production. Nuclear and chemical industries emerged in the 20th century and significantly worsened the region’s ecology. The paper considers the views of geographers who formulated the industrial landscape concept. Geographical approach makes it possible to include in historical and cultural heritage of industry the entire totality of the landscape-territorial complex formed by it. The author also considers methodical tools for studying architectural objects of old industrial cities during the formation of industrial ensembles and the possibilities of archaeological methods in their studying.
Keywords industrial landscape, industrial heritage, genesis of the Urals’ industry, technology

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