Issue 2 (67)

Year 2020 Number 2(67)
Pages 126-134 Type scientific article
UDC 94(470)”1941/1945” BBK 63.3(2)
Authors Speransky Andrei V.
Summary The paper analyses development of the Soviet sport during the Great Patriotic War. It shows that wartime conditions contributed to the formation of two main parts in the sport life of the country: paramilitary and civilian. When describing the paramilitary part of sport, the author’s attention primarily focuses on military-applied kinds of sport, such as skiing, motorcycle, cycling, applied swimming, military gymnastics and marching training. The paper notes that this part of sport was significant due to the need for high-quality training of combat reserves for the Red army, which required qualified replenishment to confront Nazi aggressors successfully. When analysing the civilian part of sport, the author’s attention focuses on highlighting the processes associated with the development of traditional sport, which after a significant curtailment in the initial period of the war, received a new impetus for a large-scale development after serious successes achieved by the Red army at the front. The paper concludes that rapid revival of civilian sport was determined by reduction of the needs of the army in professionally trained recruits. It was also determined also by desire of party-state bodies to increase competitiveness of their athletes to be able to integrate Soviet sport into the system of European and World championships in order to strengthen prestige and influence of the political regime in the international arena.
Keywords Great Patriotic War, military-applied sport, professional sport, sport organization, physiotherapy exercises, championship, record, death match, life match, state policy

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