Issue 3 (68)

Year 2020 Number 3(68)
Pages 16-25 Type scientific article
UDC 912:39 BBK 63.5(253)+26.17
Authors Perevalova Elena V.
Summary The hand-drawn atlases made by S. U. Remezov — the “Cartographical Book of Siberia” (1697–1711), the “Sketch-book of Siberia” (1699–1701), the “Sketch-book for official use” (1702–1730) — have been the subject of numerous research projects and articles. Among the various talents and practical occupations of the Siberian isographer (a cartographer, a chronicler, a geographer, an iconographer, an architect, a builder, and an engineer), his ethnographic research is the one most frequently noted by modern scholars. His name is often mentioned alongside with the names of other pioneers of the Russian ethnographic cartography. At the same time, the history of the Russian ethnocartography is yet poorly researched, and the Remezov’s cartographic heritage is still undervalued, while its vast historiographic resource of the visual and textual narratives about the peoples of Siberia has not been used to its full potential. The large-scale visual and textual ethno-political panorama of the Urals, Siberia and the neighboring territories created by the Tobol isographer was a project that was imperial in design and personified in its implementation. Remezov used as his mapping tools a combination of visual and text techniques, which placed his Siberian drawings into the category of the visual ethnic studies. Remezov’s cartography, rich in ethnic toponyms and ethnographic content, offered a very informative and detailed isographic response to the government’s demand about the scale and content of the “accretion” by the state of the new Siberian lands and the peoples. At the same time, the large-scale West to East depictive and cartographic survey of the Empire undertaken in the form of a colonial expansion reflected not so much the ethnographic reality but rather the colonial policy of the Moscow state in Siberia. The cartographic names of the “foreign hordes of races and languages” in Remezov’s drawings captured the shifts in the large geopolitics, and reproduced in a personified form the specifics of the evolving dialog between the metropolis and the aboriginal population represented by the ethnic elites. Together with the written and oral materials, the historical section illustrating the power relationship between Moscow and the Siberian peoples depicted by Remezov represents one of the backbone sources for ethnohistorical retrospections.
Keywords S. U. Remezov, ethnographic cartography, visual ethnography, colonial policy, ethnic elite, Siberia

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