Issue 4 (69)

Year 2020 Number 4(69)
Pages 15-23 Type scientific article
UDC 902.2(470.4)“637” BBK 63.4(235.54)
Authors Kiseleva Darya V.
Shishlina Natalia I.
Roslyakova Natalia V.
Bachura Olga P.
Kuznetsova Olga V.
Summary The aim of the paper is to analyze animal bone assemblages from seasonal Catacomb culture campsites of the Salsk-Manych Ridge and from the Mikhailo-Ovsyanka Srubnaya settlement located in the steppe Trance-Volga region. Proposed models of seasonal population movements are based on the animal bone assemblage, the slaughter age of animals, seasonality of the animal slaughter, animal ratio and identification of local/non-local animals. The Catacomb population developed an economic system based on the rotation of seasonal pastures and organized seasonal movements within the developed economic areas. Isotope data confirm the seasonal character of the explored sites. The local Srubnaya population searched and mined ore, smelted metal, and cast items on a seasonal basis: from mid-summer to autumn. It was not possible to extract ore during the winter. The slaughter age analysis indicates to a seasonal and/or free-range system of animal husbandry. Stable isotope data demonstrates that animals were grazing near the site or in nearby areas. The local groups primarily exploited the resources in the Irgiz river basin. The presence of non-local animals could have been a result of exchange system with population from areas located far away from the place where the metal was produced.
Keywords archaeozoological collections, geochemical analyses, slaughter season, models of seasonal movements, Bronze Age, northern Eurasia

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